Monday, 17 February 2025

Homemade sketchbook shelf

 All of them together apart from the Jurassic Park one as it was too loose to stand up: 

Monday, 10 February 2025

Catching up on projects: homemade sketchbooks- Jurassic park sketchbook

 This didn't turn out as well as I hoped as I tried a different binding method, with a different type of binding thread, it was a lot looser than I wanted it to be. 

Monday, 27 January 2025

Catching up on projects: homemade sketchbooks- Black jean sketchbook

 This one is A4 size as I wanted to fit in the pockets of the jeans on the cover, I like how big and thick it is. it would be good to use for the first ( handwritten)  draft of a novel. 


Monday, 20 January 2025

Catching up on projects : homemade sketchbooks- blue wallpaper Sketchbook

 I used this left over blue wallpaper as I liked the colour of it and the shiny silver bits in it, and thought it would make a good book cover. Though I did accidentally rip a bit near the spine, when trying to neaten the edges up a bit: 

Monday, 13 January 2025

Catching up on projects: homemade sketchbooks- Star sketchbook -


made with paper I had intended to use for another project, which is why some of the pages have a fabric border within them. But I think this makes them more interesting.